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Friday, November 18, 2011

Tribute to KLA Project

I just found this nice cd album in Indomaret, i am not a fans of KLA but the songs are lasting. For only 30.000 IDR, so it thought it was a nice deal. Its KLA songs re-arranged by various Indo musicians with their own music style bring a new outfit for all the KLA's songs inside the album.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Just another crazy idea

sorry for this very very unimportant post ... i just need to throw my mind away ... just for a second. In the middle of mindful stress like this time, it is really convenient to think about some crazy things that can ease your mind.

I just thought about .... if you are a hero for your country and the government will grant any wishes of yours .... what will you ask ?

i asked some of my employees and ... their answer were hilarious.

Here are some answers of them :

1. A :Gue minta untuk ngosongin jalan tol jakarta - merak, hanya ada mobil gue, biar bisa ngetes secepat apa mobil gue bisa berlari, dan apa mobil gue bisa ilang dalam kecepatan tertentu.

Me : ya ga mungkin ilang lah, kecuali lo nyetir secepat cahaya.

2. B :Gue mau jadi satu - satunya orang di dalem .... mall, dengan toko dan restoran yang tetep buka, biar gue bisa ambil apa aja yang gue mau.

Me : itu namanya ngejarah kaleee

3. C : Gue mau semua petinggi - petinggi aparat angkatan bersenjata membentuk barisan ... biar bisa gue jitak jitakin satu - satu.

Me : bales dendam ya ?

Jawaban - jawaban di atas menyadarkan gue bahwa ..... mungkin, kita semua ga pernah bener - bener dewasa .... ahahahaha.