So here is called Bio-oil, produk ini rame banget di omongin di FashionesseDaily, tapi sebelum gue tau di FD sudah dibicarakan, gue tau dari salah satu cewe yang sauna bareng gue.
Seperti biasa ibu - ibu, gue mengeluh soal stretch mark, kerut - kerut di perut gue bekas melahirkan, bener - bener bikin stress deh tiap kali gue liat. Balik lagi ke tuh cewe, dia bilang kalo dulu dia juga gitu, sekarang ... dia tunjukin perutnya, emang gue liat ada bekas tapi samar banget (ngeliatnya musti deket - deket), trus gue tanya donk pake apa ? Dia bilang pake Bio-Oil, trus dia bilang lagi: ga dijual di Indo ... sedi bener.
Trus gue cari di FD, ternyata disana juga banyak yang puas pake.
Menurut petunjuknya :
Bio-oil is a specialist skincare oil that is recommended for scars (new and old), stretch mark (existing marks as well as the prevention of new marks), uneven skin tone, ageing and dehydrated skin.
Bio-oil contains the breakthrough ingredient PurCellin Oil(TM), which optimises its effectiveness. It ensures the targeted delivery of Bio-oil's key ingredients, namely vitamin A and E, and combination of natural plants oil (Lavender, Calendula, Rosemary and Chamomile), used for centuries to help maintain healthy skin.
Bio-oil is easily absorbed and non-greasy. It contains no preservatives and is suitable for all skin types. It is formulated for use on both the face and body.
For existing stretch marks, apply twice daily (for minimum of 3 months), massaging in circular motion until fully absorbed.
Soo lets see it for 3 more months, i'll report the result.
lo timbul scretch yah?
hmm.. itu keluhan ibu hamil sepertinya yah? hehe...
BTW lo nda pake lotion pas hamil?atau nda mempan?
moga2 ampuh ya lin hehe...kaya nya emang kalo abis ngelahirin keluhan nya kaya gini ya
@cil : gue sebenernya udah pake tuh yang mango body butter, kata orang bisa, tapi ama gue ga ngaruh !! huhuhu
@cinde : iye nih, hampir semua orang lah ya, kecuali plasticman huehehehe
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