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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jap's ladies day

Jap is my sure name, in bahasa it means leaf.

It has been ages since the last time i went hang out with my beloved cousins, even two from us has married, but it wont change anything between us. Juli went back from Abu Dhabi just to be proposed here and Renny just take a break from her college in Taiwan. Beside us, there were Yani and Silvi, Renny's friends also hang with us !

Nenek,emot, ogut, and Tuyul

We went to EX, as usual, my fave place to hangout with my pals. Usually i go there just to eat, chit chat, photo snap, and go back ! nothing more.

But that night, i truly found that EX was a real Entertainment Xchange, no commercial promo here !

Met them at 5.00 PM ON TIME ! it's so rare occasion they will get on time! Chit chat, take a photo, go to cosmetic stores, and finally crave for food. After went around and around and 1000x around, finally we decided to eat at Pizza e Birra.

Its a very cozy place to eat, besides their very good food, really want to go back there ! We sat near the window.

Ladies !

I love the food, it really tasty, i love it .. so love it, i think i have to invite my friends or be invited or just suggest haha to eat there.

We ordered Texas bbq story Pizza and Bread Mozzarella, while for drink i ordered just plain water, and the rest of us too, except Juli, she ordered Capucino.

Texas bbq story Pizza

Bread Mozarella


After dine, we went to ........... i forgot the name, i think the name is Amazon, it's a place for game, like Timezone. We all went Crazy there, we played simulator, karaoke, basketball, and many more, like we just a highschool girl ! hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Actually, take a simulator is my long live dream, since im to shy and to old and to expensive to ride it alone, finally i achieved it ! Oh ya, luckily Juli's boy friend joined us, so he can take a picture while we in the ride.

Here is the Giant simulator, inside there was a movie shown a track like journey to center of the earth, and the simulator will shake you inside along the movie.

Here is inside the simulator.

Karaoke is oke ! haaa



stephanie said...

wah enak ya pizza nya.. semua orang bilang enak jadi penasaran.. traktir donk nyak! :P

oiya yang paling penting, ada pasta nya ga??

Olin said...

Ada kok nyak pastanya, tapi yang keliatan enak emang Bread mozarella itu, tapi emang enak sih

Cindy Y said...

wah lin....makan2 dsana enak nya gw juga penasaran kapan nih kita wiskul dsini ? ada pasta nya juga gw mo coba pizza nya sama kata nya ada bir rasa buah gitu hihi penasaran...yukkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

stephanie said...


Unknown said...

hahaha....just hooked round like some high school girls.. not to forget when i was being caught by the police in HI, and pretended as an expatriate from Dubai, presenting my ID card as my driving license hahaha and he believed me....

see you next year in June, prepare yourself for more adventures in Bali

a bientot

Olin said...

haaa masa sih ? lo kok ga cerita sih ke gue soal itu yul !

Unknown said...

haaa..loe gak tau yah? mlm itu gw yg nyetir, tp gak ngeh kl lampu depan gak nyala..soalnya kita sempet ke arah gak knp2 tuh pas puter balik di tugu kuda...nah pas mau ke arah sudirman, tb2 polisinya brentiin gw...agak2 deg2an but stay with my british accent, pura2 jadi expat yg udah fasih indonesia hahaha....pas ditanya mana simnya, gw keluarin aja ID Arab dia percaya kl itu driving license..eniwei, si shelvi untung bw kartu anggt polisi (dibikin ma emaknya) jadi sogok 50rb doank...kl gak cb loe bayangin, di HI tanpa sim..... abis itu pada ktw ngakak....