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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Batavia - Oldies City of Jakarta

Last week TIPS, photography community in my office, held a program photo hunting in Kota Tua. Unfortunately i couldn't go with them because of some reasons. But i've been there last year. That program arise my memory about my last trip there. Since i never published this trip in my blog (i think i still dont have blog that time), so i better upload it now, to late is better than never.

So me with my best fellow joined a tour, we paid for 150.000 (CMIIW). We gathered in the center field at front of Fatahillah museum. First, we were very confuse, how to find the others, we just know one contatct person, named Frans. Before the day, we looked up into his blog, and found his photo. We both thought "not bad" lah ... hahaha (i thought my pal kinda like him), but too bad, the photo was obsolete, it was his photo at young age ... after we met him ... ummm [*no comment mode on] [sorry Frans, no offense]. Sooo, the short story is, we couldn't find that face, so we have to guess.

Later on, we found a group of people, under a tree, wore same white T-shirt, short story ... we found them.

The tour started around 9am, first trip was Kali Besar area, there were so many sights there, such as : Kali besar it self and the oldies building arround such as Toko Mera (red house), ex Samudra Indonesia Office Building, and Jembatan Kota Intan (original Dutch Dawbridge left in Jakarta).

at Kali Besar, so beautiful (but the "Kali = river" is not appear in the photo hihihi)

Toko Mera (Red House)

With tour member at front of ex. Samudra Indonesia office building (now, Destroy half bad !)

Jembatan Kota Intan

Next, we moved on to ... harbor area, we visited Uitkijk (watchtower) and Museum Bahari (Maritime Museum). I got the information that the watchtower was built at 1839 and still stand until now ! At the old time (Dutch era), they used this tower to watch the ship trade in and out the harbor (now Sunda Kelapa harbor). When we got the top of the tower, all we could see was only a river full of garbage ... so sad!
After the watchtower, we moved to museum Bahari (Maritime Museum). It was a very antique museum. There were so many ship miniaturs (from trade ship to war ship), armor miniaturs, maps about old Jakarta, and old story about Dutch era in Indonesia (Dutch colonized Indonesia for 3.5 centuries!! But no one of us can speak dutch..huhuhu).

Watchtower dor (couldn't photo all of the building)

Inside the Museum Bahari, ps: this site also used for shooting film "Simanis Jembatan Ancol"

After Harbor area, we visited the museum area, so we went back to Fatahillah museum complex.

Fatahillah museum was used as Governoor Kantoor(dutch) = Governor office. Huge two stories building with little garden inside. At the front of the kantoor, there is a court called Fatahillah court, was used for gathering and for death execution. In the court there is a canon called Fertility cannon, it is belived to give fertility to everyone who touch it.

Fatahillah Museum, i wish a house like that .. hahaha.

The trip continued to Bank area, we visited Museum Bank Mandiri and Museum Bank Indonesia, and the trip was over.

i think Jakarta Citizen shall ever visit this area of Kota Tua, minimal once in the life time, not just passing through.

Remnant Photos to be uploaded !

Demolition man

I just saw this movie two days ago, frankly, i admit that i have a very weird tase of movie. Other say bad, sometimes i'll say good and otherwise. So here is another "good movie" in my opinion : Demolition man.
Look at the cover ? it just looks a like a very serious movie ! But in fact, this movie was hilarious .. hyehehehehe. It's an old movie, made in 1993. Stalone looks handsome at that age, but looks very weird in that movie since his image is Rambo / Rocky.
So here is the story. LA, 1996, there was a bad thug named Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes), he was the most dangerous thug at the century (20th) no one could ever capture him. So there was a very brave cop named John Spartan (Stalone), and like any other action movie, Spartan arrested him with a mistake (explode a building contains hostage). So short story, Spartan and Phoenix were punished by frozen them to the ice cube.
A man named Dr. Raymond Cocteau, for almost 34 years, built a very secure comunity, he combined LA, San Diego, Santa Barbara into one city named San Angeles. For almost 34 years no crime at all in the city, and all the cop never have any crime experience.
San Angeles, 2032 (21th), Phoenix escaped and spread the terror throughout the city. No one can handle him becoz lack of experience, insisted, so they have to release Spartan too. The peacefull city turn into violence again.
The movie it self was very hilarious, since Spartan and Phoenix came from 20th, they were so lack of the technology. So they both acted very stupid ! Oh ya, there was Sandra Bullock (Lenina Huxley) too, she acted as Spartan 21th century partner.
One of the most funny scene was, when Spartan and Huxley wanna made love, they use electro magnetic wave helmet to do it virtually (phisically intercourse is illegal) ... so funny.
i really like this movie, even i didn't finished the movie becoz of time (very late), i have to search the DVD !!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Badminton match - Technip tournament 2009

Actually, this post is very obsolete, but since i just get some of the pictures, so here is the story :

From October - December 2009, my office held a yearly sport tournament, called PTTI Tournament. This year is very special because i become one of the women participant in badminton ... hehehe, no, seriously, there were no women participant in these respective 2 years.

My team : Management VS Project Management, even we lost 1:2 (my part contribute this one ... hahahaha) we were so happy. There are 8 teams for this year tournament, every team will match for 3 times in every sport competition, this system called semi-competition. For the rest of the match, my team never won... hiks. So sad, because lack of man, so the team member will never be substituted, so all men in my team will also compete in Futsal, table tenis, chess, and volley competiton. For me, i just compete in one badminton match, and one futsal exhibition (not yet started) ...
Im so happy i can participate this year, im hoping i could attend next year competition before i leave.

Tournament t-shirt for participant

Action ..

After i won

Later i will update my futsal exhibition ....can't wait !

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sampe kebawa mimpi

Begini Ceritanya, tanggal 14 di gereja gue GBI-PRJ( ada konser album baru LGLP (Loving God Loving People) worship team. Dari demonya, lagunya enak - enak. Untuk dapetin CD lagu, lo harus ikut konsernya dulu, nanti di konsernya baru dibagiin tuh CD. Jadilah gue sama laki beli tuh 2 tiket @100.000 untuk jam 16.30 sore. Beberapa minggu sebelon hari - H, gue tuh udah excited banget! TAPIIII ... ntah kenapa, hari - Hnya, gue malah lupa !! HIKSSSSSSSS.

Nah sangking nyeselnya ogutttt, ogut berharap waktu bisa diputer ulang, biar ogut bisa dateng ke acara konser, selain itu ogut nyalahin laki terus deh. Malemnya ogut mimpi, kayak gini mimpinya :

tanggal 14 november: jam 16:20 (Ogut sempet liat jam tangang digital didalem mimpi), ogut ujian trus dikertas ujian ogut ada tanda tangan sama stempel gurunya. Di kertas itu tertulis tanggal 14 November 2009. 15 menit setelah ogut ujian ada berita seekor ayam temen ogut (ga kenal nih orang sapa) mati ditabrak mobil, dan temen ogut itu sedih banget. Lalu ogut berharap bisa memutar waktu balik, so ayam temen ogut itu bisa diselamatin, ga jadi mati.

Ntah gimana, tiba - tiba ogut liat tanggalan disatu ruangan, tanggalan itu menunjukan tanggal 13 November 2009, lalu ogut menggenggam kertas ujian ogut yang tertera tanggal 14 November 2009. Trus ogut jadi bingung. Ogut tanya temen (yang punya ayam).

Ogut : Tanggal berapa sih nih ?
Temen: Tanggal 13, emang napa ?
Ogut : HAaa ? ini di kertas ujian kok tanggal 14?
.......temen ogut liat kertasnya ......
Temen: kok bisa ? ada tanda tangan bu guru lagi?
Ogut : Ayam lo masih idup ?
Temen: (tampang rada sewot) masih lah...
Ogut : Ayam lo dimana ?
Temen: Dirumah nenek gue.
Ogut : Besok ayam lo bakal mati, mending kita selametin dulu.
...... temen ogut percaya aja .....trus kita pergi ke rumah neneknya, yang ogut ga tau kenapa, dimimpi ogut tuh kayaknya jauh banget. Jalannya tuh susah banget (soal hadangan - hadangannya ogut ga bisa inget).

Sampe rumah neneknya udah tanggal 14 november 2009, cepet - cepet ayam itu kita kurung di kandangnya, trus kita balik lagi ke "sekolahan" buat ujian. Pas ujian, soalnya sama ama yang dikertas ogut pegang. 16.20, ujian selesai, ogut kasih liat kertas yang ada tanda tangan si bu guru, ke bu guru. Trus dia bilang "kamu kembali ke masa lalu ya" ... udah gitu ogut bangun ......

mimpi yang aneh .....

Another new theme

Theme blog that is sooo me .., in one word, i describe my self : SIMPLE ! Enough ... stop ... this one is the most perfect. I'm so lazy this noon, i don't want to go lunch (still full), and i dont have something to do soooo just update blog !

The picture above,is my office desk, So messy!!

1. Souvenir key hanger from my pals, i don't use it so just hang it.
2. Refrigator magnet (also souvenir), attached on the cpu ... is there any effect of it ?? .. duno ... btw it's not mine anyway.
3. My baby's pict, makes me wanna go home early !!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What's the story of Morning Glory

Morning sight from my room ... awesome !
When i looked to this view, i just remembered an Oasis song at 90's, the tittle : Dont's look back in anger.
Wooo ... daydreaming on !

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thanx yaa

Haduu maaci ya neng Kristin, Lena, Liza buat oleh2nya

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Apes of the Year (11 - 11 - 2009)

Gini nih, gue ceritain betapa apesnya gue kemaren.

7.30 : Berangkat ngantor, diparkiran, motor gue jatoh ndiri, mungkin karena standart samping yang longgar.

7.45 : Di depan belokan bungur, pas lagi mencong mo belok, ada yang keras banget nabrak gue dari belakang, alhasil gue ga sengaja narik gas motor dan nabrak motor didepan gue. Jatohlah kita bertiga, yang dua ribut, yang satu ngacir, secara gue dah keseleo !

....... nungguin adek gue pulang mo ketukang urut !

14.30 : ke tukang ban dipinggir jalan deket rumah mo benerin ban gue yang oblak, sekaligus stang motor yang miring. udah sejam lebih, ternyata paking (sambungan mesin ke knalpot motor) diilangin tuh tukang ban siyal ! So gue cari bengkel resmi Yamaha terdekat untuk beli paking, sekaligus ganti oli.

17:30 : Tukang urut gue, si Ko Beng Hong, rumahnya deket binus, sekitar binus macet abis, adek gue mo naek trotoar ajah. Eh kepeleset, jatoh lagi tuh motor.

19:00 : Abis diurut, pulang keujanan sepanjang jalan.

Lengkap dah penderitaan gue ! Mungkin motor gue ngambek karena gue janji ganti oli + nyuci, tapi gue ga lakukan sampe lewat 2 bulan. Maaphkan akuu.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Kejurda Tae kwon Do 1997

Tadi gue mau simpen KKJ gue di tempat arsip, tiba - tiba gue ketemu kertas ijo ini nih, waaa sontak kaget banget bo ! Liat aja tahunnya udah lama banget, 1997. Gue bahkan udah ga tau lagi barang ini dimana, secara dari dulu gue tinggalnya nomaden, banyak barang gue yang ilang.

Gue kasih tau nih, ini kertas piagam penghargaan karena dulu gue ikut kejuaraan Tae Kwon Do se-DKI Jakarta ... huaa kalo gue inget - inget lagi, dulu tuh gue laki banget dah ...hahaha. Untuk dapet kertas ini butuh 3 proses nih, pertama menang pertandingan klub dulu buat nentuin siapa yang maju ke kejuaraan antar cabang, kalo menang kudu ikut pertandingan antar cabang dulu (cabang gue di Recis JakBar so gue ikut kejuaraan se - Jakarta Barat), kalo menang lagi baru deh lo berhak ikut kejuaraan se DKI Jakarta. Nah belon sampe situ, lo kudu juara dulu (3 besar) untuk dapet kertas ijo ini, gue juara 3 doank .. hiks3. Oh ya, siapa yang menang kejuaraan se-DKI berhak untuk maju ke PON (Pesta Olahraga Nasional).

Oh iya, waktu mau kejurda ini sempet diadakan 2 kali, gara - gara yang pertama ada kayak kerusuhan gitu, gara - gara ada orang yang nggak setuju sama hasil pertandingan, akhirnya setelah penantian 3 bulan, kejuaraan diadakan lagi !

Sebebernya dikejuaraan antar cabang se-JakBar, gue cuma dapet mendali perak, jadi gue ga berhak maju ke kejuaraan se-DKI jakarta, tapi yang dapet mendali emas mangkir, so gue lah yang naik tahta ... gyakakaka. 2 mendali gue (perak untuk se-JakBar dan perunggu untuk se-DKI) udah raib ntah kemana, sayang yah! Padahal kalo aja anak gue bisa liat mendali gue pasti die bakal ................. SEREMMMMM, gyakakaka.

Udah ah, anakkyu udah bangun.